Scaling a tech biz? We've done that.

Content marketing for tech companies


You’ve already got a lot on your plate. Getting in front of customers. Evangelizing sales and channel teams. Lining up ecosystem partners. Analyzing competition. Writing white papers, articles, blogs, e-books, case studies, and web page copy takes valuable time. Add in SEO and creative for new social media campaigns, and you probably could use help.

STRATISET is ready to run with agencies, startup founders, and in-house marketing teams. We know how to deliver great content with lasting results for marketing high tech products and services. We’ve been where you are – especially when you’re creating new categories unfamiliar with audiences.


Our content marketing services align positioning, SEO, social media, and content writing in content strategy loops. Each trip around a loop gains analytics data about your audience pointing to the next topic priority.


There are always buying alternatives. Positioning bridges people from how they see their choices to your unique attributes and value drivers.


We’ll cut through the noise with attention to SEO details and a focus on results, not just ranking. Competitive analysis is a passion for us.

Social Media

Social media specialists create content in the proper channels for reaching your audience. Data drives engagement and trendspotting.

Content Writing

Our engineering and product marketing background helps industrial, defense, semiconductor IP, EDA, and embedded computing firms.


We’ve developed successful marketing strategies for high tech firms working as part of their virtual team. Where do these relationships usually start?

  • Agencies find us when they need expertise on a new topic fast, or when they need objective content, SEO, or social media audits.
  • Founders turn to us as experienced advisers who can assess positioning and engage audiences with awareness content.
  • In-house marketing teams rely on us for expanded storytelling in lead generation content, going deeper on complex topics.



We keep our client list short to give you the focus you deserve. We deliver services on a customized per-project or retainer basis fitting your budget and objectives.

  • Make or Buy in B2B Content Marketing

    Make or Buy in B2B Content Marketing

    “We’re ending our marketing agency relationships and moving all creative, web dev, and email in-house.” That’s a bold statement from a founder. A couple marketing agency types agreed, saying their model is build, refine, then hand it over. But is either-or the only choice? Or even the right one for content marketing initiatives, long-term? Pivoting […]